Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nana Grizol - Discography

"our cars broke down and it's just too cold to hitchhike to your door..." 

Nana Grizol of Athens, GA are an immensely talented group who vacillate between triumphantly energetic pop tunes and introspective acoustic ballads. Their debut "Love it Love it" is filled with the former which makes for near-perfect dance party fodder, while the latter is well-represented through their second full-length "Ruth". Their latest effort shows growth and a respect for song development ("sands"), as opposed to the instant gratification prevalent in their debut (see: "circles round the moon" and "stop and smell the roses"). Tough to say which offers a more rewarding listen as they are both elicit miles of smiles to even the most cynical of listeners.

Love It Love It


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